Target Acquisition With Customer
Persona Development

What does your ideal customer look like?

The most difficult and expensive marketing assignment is marketing to everyone.

The majority of businesses fall into this trap. They don’t have a clear idea of who they want to sell to. They don’t have a target locked.

Knowing your target makes your mission so much easier

If you know who you’re selling to, the life of your business, employees and suppliers (especially marketers) becomes much easier.

All of a sudden, we can write our sales process, our marketing copy, our video scripts, and the imagery we need all align with the target audience. It’s because we know who they are and where they get their information.

More importantly, it also impacts who you recruit into your organisation to serve these customers.

Generally, a business will have 3 or 4 customer personas. In the case of business-to-business (B2B), there will be several people within the prospect organization whom you need to influence - not just the technical person who will use your product. The persona we create is a semi-fictional representation of the buyer, also called an avatar.

Example of a Customer Persona

As you can see, we like to get quite tactical. We give your target a name, photo, demographic information, 
what motivates or frustrates them, how they consume media, etc.

Ready to identify your target?
Talk to our assassins today.