Content Marketing That Spreads Like Wildfire

If we are going to create content, let's 
make it discoverable.

Did you know that 81% of shoppers conduct online research before purchase?

Everything is available online these days.  A potential customer can use their phone to do their research at home or even in your store. So how are you going to stand out? 

Not having content marketing is deadly. Imagine if many of your competitors have pricing information on their site and you don’t - what does the target customer think about you? Will they be in contact if the others look to have similar offerings? Or have you just lost them?

You are the master in your industry

The best way to engage a buyer is through authentic content, and to do it early. 

As an expert in your category, you need to create content relevant to your target market’s pain points. Through proper research, you can provide insights via blog posts, case studies, white papers, webinars, and other thought leadership pieces on your website.

What’s in your target’s mind?

When deciding on a purchase, here’s a general evaluation order for your target customers.
  • Can this company solve my problem or challenge?
  • Who are they?
  • How long have they been around?
  • Who have they done work for?

Case studies are a major weapon that helps you promote your business. A good mix of case studies will help tick 2 of these boxes and build your brand as a problem-solver. This can be done either in a written format with images or through a video. Just remember to follow these steps for a successful case study. 

  1. Use a decent mobile phone to shoot photos and videos if you are on-site.  
  2. Optimise your imagery in landscape view; they look better on your website.  
  3. Don’t do 20 takes to get the right shot or audio.  Shoot it once, and we can have someone edit your video or photo.
  4. Be authentic. Again, your prospects want to deal with real people, not actors.

Digital Assassin works by crafting your content in your customers’ language and sharing it in places where they most likely are. We’ll also make sure your content is optimised for search engines so it can be discovered on Google or Bing.

Infiltrate your consumers’ minds with killer content.
Talk to our assassins today.